Be Aware
The general notice is hereby given by Chevrolet Sales India Private Limited and its Subsidiaries and Affiliates (collectively “Chevrolet”) for general information and limited awareness of the public at large.
It has come to our notice that certain individuals are misrepresenting themselves to be associated with Chevrolet and based on this deception and falsehood are offering gift certificates or prize / lottery winning amount on behalf of Chevrolet.
We hereby call attention to the fact that Chevrolet has nothing to do with such individual and members and the general public are hereby cautioned not to deal with such person claiming to be the representative of Chevrolet through web /email or otherwise. Any person doing so shall be doing so at his/her own risk and cost and Chevrolet shall not be liable for any such campaign or any loss, damages or affect caused to any person and members of general public are advised not to accept any such campaign. Such attempts are deliberate attempt to misuse well known name of Chevrolet in order to mislead general public and bring harm to its reputation and good name.
The Reserve Bank of India have on several occasions clarified that remittance in any form towards participation in lottery schemes is prohibited under Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999. Further, these restrictions are also applicable to remittances for participation in lottery-like schemes functioning under different names, such as, money circulation scheme or remittances for the purpose of securing prize money / awards, etc. The Reserve Bank of India has further clarified that it does not maintain any account in the name of individuals / companies / trusts in India to hold funds for disbursal. The Reserve Bank of India had on several occasions in the past, cautioned the members of public not to fall prey to fictitious offers / lottery winnings / remittance of cheap funds in foreign currency from abroad by certain foreign entities / individuals, including Indian residents acting as representatives of such entities / individuals. These offers are generally made through letters, e-mails, mobile phones, SMSs, etc. A copy of the Circular and Press Release issued by the RBI, cautioning Banks and public at large about fictitious offers and the restrictions under FEMA provisions are available for your reference. You may also visit RBI’s website at www.rbi.org.in to view these notifications.
- Do not get lured into any financial transactions or divulge any personal information like IMEI, Bank Account number and other information to callers offering prize money or lottery winnings. Also, do not respond to any instructions to dial an international number to get the prize money.
- This luring may also be done through SMS messages offering prize money and seeking personal details on a specified email ID. Please do not respond to these.
- Do not respond to any SMS/Email from unknown sources prompting you to call on a number or go to a site offering free download of content/movie clips/pictures
- Inform the local police station (cyber cell unit)
Any person found to be indulging in such misrepresentation, cheating, fraud, dishonest and malafide actions will be dealt with strictly, including filing of criminal charges against them for harming the interest of Chevrolet.